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Offical BioPlease use the following for any speaking events or press releases.

JoAnne Check was born near Philadelphia, PA and lived in the Rochester, NY area for many years before moving to North Carolina.  After graduating from Kutztown University, she was a school teacher, a grant writer, and a copywriter.  JoAnne writes contemporary fiction as well as historical fiction and real life stories.

She has a passion for history, especially American history and enjoys searching out answers to the following questions:  How did people live differently years ago than we do today?  What challenges did they face?  How did they view their world, and what values did they pass on to us today?

In addition to raising three children, JoAnne enjoys art, reading, gardening, and camping in the great outdoors.  Over the years, she has ridden an elephant in the rainforest, sank in quicksand, skied in a blizzard, and hiked the Great Wall of China, as well as other experiences.  She loves to share her adventures with her readers.